Why global warming is a hoax

Why global warming is a hoax

Global warming image

In the 80s, when I was still a child and attended primary school, I remember that some issues were already being discussed at school, such as global warming.
The main cause of these effects was traced back to the ozone hole which allowed the sun’s ultraviolet rays to pass through, causing the phenomenon. The ozone hole was officially attributed to the consumerism of society which, by using certain cosmetic products, had contributed to creating it. I still remember that the ecology teacher identified the gases contained in the cans of shaving cream used by men as one of the main causes. Somehow bearded men who shaved often were to blame.
As ridiculous as it may seem, this was the explanation given to children at the time.
Today the cause of global warming is mainly associated with an excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is produced by industries, transport, power plants, coal combustion, intensive farming and deforestation.

Recent years have been characterized by a succession of emergencies. In Italy alone we have had earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, droughts, various pandemics (mad cow disease, swine fever, Ebola, avian flu, covid-19 and many other smaller ones).
A state of emergency has almost always been used to manage the problem.
In fact, the state of emergency allows you to operate in derogation of the laws in force and the rights of individuals, allowing you to unlock a series of mechanisms that would otherwise require a long bureaucratic process. Furthermore, in the case of emergencies, a large amount of money is often allocated by the State and the relevant bodies for the resolution of all the problems that arise.

We have known for years that experiments for climate control for military purposes, mostly known as geoengineering, are underway.
There are various military systems scattered around the world that are used for this purpose, the best known of which is the one present in Alaska with the name HAARP(1) which stands for High-frequency Active Aural Research Program.
It is a series of antennas that are capable of producing high or low frequency waves, such as Elf waves, which can be directed, through the presence of the ionosphere which reflects them like a mirror, to any point on the planet.
HAARP is not the only installation of this type present in the world, but there are dozens of them, at least those whose presence is officially known.
In Italy, for example, for some years there has been a similar apparatus in Sicily, in Niscemi, of the MUOS type.
As far as we are concerned, we are provided with some information at an official level on their purpose and functioning but since they are devices for strictly military use we can imagine that much of their potential will never be officially declared.
We don’t know how much these systems are involved with ongoing climate change, but we can certainly say that they have the potential to act decisively on it.
Some argue that the most recent cataclysms are the result of the use of these technologies and that those blue flashes seen in the sky before the disaster may have been generated by these structures.
Here we see them before the 2021 Mexico earthquake:

Image of blue flashes before the earthquake in Mexico
Blue flashes before the earthquake in Mexico (click on the image to see the video on YouTube)

Here we see more of them in this year’s Turkey earthquake:

Image of blue flashes before the earthquake in Türkiye
Blue flashes before the earthquake in Türkiye (click on the image to see the video on YouTube)

And here in the recent earthquake in Morocco:

Image of blue flashes before the earthquake in Morocco picture
Blue flashes before the earthquake in Morocco (click on the image to see the video on YouTube)

In recent years there has been a notable intensification of the phenomenon of clandestine geoengineering (it is never admitted at an official level).
For those like me who had the opportunity to live in the 80s, they will remember those clear skies, a bright blue color, with, if present, plump white clouds.
Today most of the time the sky has a leaden color, tending towards a pale white.
In the skies of inhabited centers there are always chemtrails present, and when these disappear by dissolving in the ether, they leave a white and milky sky, forming a pall that chemically retains the sun’s rays and heat.
All this significantly influences the climate because these chemicals dissolve the clouds that form naturally, preventing rain for long periods.
Since trails are now the order of the day, when we leave the house in the morning we can already notice several of them, it happens that in the city where we live it doesn’t rain for months and the humidity tends to increase significantly day after day.
We will then have to deal with a very hot climate, due to the chemical hood that produces the greenhouse effect, but with an even greater perception on our part due to excessive humidity in the air.
In a natural context, all that humidity would form clouds that would bring rain and re-establish a natural balance in the air, making the climate drier and the temperature more bearable.
Obviously this does not happen because the chemical elements continuously scattered in the atmosphere break up the clouds and prolong the heat and humidity over time.
All that humidity and those clouds that are dissolved and moved away do not disappear into thin air but simply move, adding to other clusters of clouds, and sometimes producing violent atmospheric events, such as cloudbursts and rain storms with consequent floods.
We don’t know how much of an impact a greater accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere could have on a warming climate. It is much more likely that this is susceptible to the interruption of that natural cycle of exchange of water between earth and sky due to the constant presence in the skies of chemicals released daily by airplanes.

Water cycle image
The water cycle
Photo of chemtrails, Rome 09.22.2017
Chemtrails, Rome 09.22.2017
Image of clouds conforming to frequencies input into the atmosphere
Clouds that conform to the frequencies released into the atmosphere, Vicenza 07-13-2023

In the city where I currently live there are periods in which it doesn’t rain for months on end, despite the high humidity in the air, even exceeding 60%, which immediately suggests that there is some anomaly.

The study of climate control, which can also be used as a destructive weapon, has been going on for at least 50 years.
Pierluigi Ighina, Marconi’s former aide, had conducted some experiments on weather control a few decades ago.
Through some devices invented by him he demonstrated how it is possible, by sprinkling aluminum powder into the ether, to remove the clouds in the sky.
In fact, the aluminum powder is positively charged with the energy of the sun and since the clouds are also charged with positive energy, their removal is achieved.
If, however, the aluminum powder were charged with negative energy, the opposite effect would be obtained.

Image taken from the Report on Pierluigi Ighina from 1998
Report on Pierluigi Ighina from 1998 (click on the video to watch the video on YouTube(italian))

Controlling the climate today is feasible and can have its advantages, as demonstrated by this video, where in Dubai, to counteract an excessively hot climate, clouds, and therefore rain, are artificially created through their artificial insemination with silver iodide.

Video image explaining how artificial rain can be created in Dubai in 2021
How artificial rain can be created in Dubai in 2021 (click on the video to watch the video on YouTube(italian))

A few years ago, as an event of national importance had to take place in Moscow, several military planes were flown through the sky with the aim of moving away the clouds by releasing a compound of nitrogen, iodine and silver, and favoring a sunny day to allow the demonstration.

Image taken from the TG1 video on the demonstration in Moscow in 2007
TG1 video on the demonstration in Moscow in 2007 (click on the video to watch the video on YouTube(italian))

Since the dawn of time, the most developed nations have clashed for supremacy and control of the resources and territories that possess most of them.
From the last 30 years alone we could draw up a very long list of wars that have occurred in a large part of the world.
In the West, dozens of wars have broken out, mainly against Arab countries with the sole aim of controlling oil reserves.
Just as the control of the resources of other territories, climate control has also become fundamental to demonstrate one’s supremacy.
Just as an example, checking the climate of a country could be useful for:

  • impoverish and debilitate that country by reducing its agricultural resources, forcing it into military surrender
  • cause cataclysms in order to make the ruling class accept externally imposed rules
  • have trade agreements that are unfavorable for the country accepted to the advantage of the requesting country
  • impose immigration, monetary and energy policies that the country would otherwise not accept
  • obtain revelations, military secrets, the handing over of inconvenient political figures, who the country would like to protect

As this 1996 document from the US Air Force demonstrates, climate control has been studied for years in order to prevail over the enemy(2).
From the Abstract:
“In 2025, US aerospace forces can own the weather by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible. It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures. The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map. A high risk, high reward endeavor, weather modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril. From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather modification offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. Some of the potential capabilities a weather modification system could provide to a war fighting commander in chief CINC are listed in table 1. Technology advancements in five major areas are necessary for an integrated weather modification capability 1 advanced nonlinear modeling techniques, 2 computational capability, 3 information gathering and transmission, 4 a global sensor array, and 5 weather intervention techniques. Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.”

Even within the system there are scientists who do not share the official thesis of global warming. Starting from Antonino Zichichi, a well-known Italian physicist and scientific communicator, who declared in some conferences that the activity of the sun mainly affects global warming, while anthropic activity is insignificant in comparison(3).
A few years ago, the physicist and Nobel Prize winner Carlo Rubbia also declared in a speech to the Senate that climate changes have always been part of the earth’s history and that even in the 2000s we had a slight drop in temperature compared to the average, demonstrating that it doesn’t just tend to rise, as we are told, but it fluctuates as it always has (4).

Just as hot and cold seasons follow one another at a microscopic level, at a broader level there is a cyclical nature that leads to the repetition of climate changes at a macroscopic level.
The glaciations, which occur approximately every 100,000 years, are an example of this(5).
These will inevitably be followed by a period in which the Earth tends to warm up.
But mini ice ages are also documented, such as the one that occurred in the Middle Ages, which led to the killing of thousands of witches held responsible by the church(6).

All official studies agree on the fact that in recent years there has been an exponential increase in carbon dioxide due to anthropogenic activities and that this is the main cause of the rise in temperatures on the entire planet (7).
However, these studies do not tell us that much of the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, the majority, has always been produced by natural phenomena and by the environment itself. For example, plants emit carbon dioxide. Volcanoes, there are 1500 active ones in the world, produce large quantities of carbon dioxide. If we take the Stromboli volcano for example, this alone emits approximately 2900-5800 tonnes of CO2 per day into the atmosphere(8).

La Soufriere volcano eruption picture on April 9, 2021
La Soufriere volcano eruption on April 9, 2021

The oceans, which cover 70% of the Earth’s surface, emit carbon dioxide with their fauna and flora.
Respiring animals and plants emit carbon dioxide.
All organic matter emits carbon dioxide when it decomposes.

Although a good part of the emergencies are in my opinion clearly false, in the sense that these are not due to causes of force majeure or human productive activity, but are often rationally planned decisions and caused on purpose through widespread climate control with clandestine geoengineering, and a control of atmospheric phenomena with devices such as HAARP, the insistent information campaign that pervades every communication tool succeeds well in its intent to convince public opinion that some unpredictable event beyond our reach has caused them, and we can do nothing but resign ourselves and passively suffer them.
A very marked indoctrination, assuming that these are not elements financed for this purpose (see for example the category of crisis actors(9)), we notice in those demonstrators who often engage in sensational gestures, such as the girls who smear tomato on Van Gogh’s painting, or the continuous blockades on the motorway by groups of activists with the aim of moving public opinion.

As important as it is to protect the environment, protect plants and animals, do the right prevention so that our natural habitat is preserved, we cannot think of putting man in last place.
It is essential in certain cases to intervene to protect the world we live in, but this does not mean we should believe it necessary to sacrifice human lives.
What we should aspire to in the first instance is the maximum fulfillment of the individual. When we have a healthy, educated, fulfilled man who has reached high moral and spiritual heights, it will no longer be necessary to deal with problems such as pollution, world hunger, consumerism, simply because these would not be compatible with an evolved humanity .
Man must always be at the center of everything, to ensure that he can achieve his moral and spiritual development, to get closer to that Christ consciousness so coveted by religions.
Unfortunately, today the priorities are different and far from similar objectives.
For example, billions of dollars are invested in nuclear weapons, in the space race, in financing lobbies every time an emergency arises, see the Covid case with vaccines, etc.
The last thing we invest in is making the life of every human being on Earth dignified.
But think about it, how can a human being who lives in poverty, who doesn’t know if tomorrow he will have food for his children, who doesn’t have a roof under which to shelter, worry about global warming?
Let us remember that in the world one tenth of the world population lives on less than 2 dollars a day (10). Furthermore, according to a report by WHO and UNICEF, 2 billion people do not have guaranteed drinking water(11).
So maybe other are the priorities, but from a narrow Western-style selfish vision, problems induced by suffocating propaganda are passed off as urgent, but which from a hypothetical divine perspective are the least of the problems that afflict humanity.


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