About us

About us

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Pensierocritico.net was born with the idea of stimulating the reader’s critical spirit to allow him to develop and cultivate an independent thought regarding what is told by the main popular media. Because of these we are continually immersed in a sea of information and, if we don’t find a foothold, we risk shipwrecking, until we become victims of a system that wants us to be obedient, approved, and passive users.

Not having one’s own thought, free from external influences, can today be considered in the same way as the illiteracy of a few decades ago.

The main purpose of appropriately prepared information, and disseminated equally on all broadcasts, is to induce and shape certain thoughts in the individual, so as to influence his behavior and make him similar to an automaton that executes programs written by others.

A clear example is the television advertising of a product. It is enough to see it a couple of times for it to be absorbed by our unconscious. When we go shopping and we see that product, we will most likely buy that rather than another with the same characteristics.

Developing a critical sense is therefore like having a personal compass to always know where we are heading and if necessary change the way and go elsewhere.

In a society that is losing its values, where appearance and materialism count more and more, it is essential to rediscover a conscious thought.

In fact, using critical thinking helps us to acquire the necessary awareness to understand how things really are and to make well-considered choices, which, supported by those almost forgotten moral values and spiritual growth, lead us to acquire conscious behaviors capable of rebuilding a healthier and more civilized society.

This is why we believe it is essential to know the reality that surrounds us, doing the necessary research, always placing ourselves with a critical attitude towards what we are told.

The blog will deal mainly with handling and deciphering the present currents of thought, but also occasionally with topics such as philosophy, economics, historical and anthropological research, and a more conscious diet.

All topics will be treated accurately, with in-depth research and always citing the sources.

We hope that the articles are appreciated by the reader and that they can contribute to his personal growth path and possibly stimulate his curiosity and research towards the topics of greatest interest.

Enjoy the reading!


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