Is green energy a fairy tale?

Is green energy a fairy tale?

Electric car with generator set
Electric car with generator set

We are all probably fascinated or have been fascinated by these two words, probably because they refer us to something ecological, healthy and therefore positive. The questions we should ask ourselves instead, when a new issue arises that is spread and trumpeted on all the main communication channels, is: who raised this issue? What is the main purpose? What’s behind it? We know very well that we live in a capitalist society, where a nothing happens at the media level if there is no interest behind it, be it a group, company, organization or even an individual. We can well imagine how much it could cost to advertise a product on a newspaper page, and so more on national TV. Why then all the information channels, suddenly, out of the blue, should spread a specific issue at full speed, if not strongly encouraged?

It would be really naive to believe that it is done only for a collective interest. In reality, in the world we live in, whatever happens has been planned, sometimes years in advance, sometimes even decades in advance. Often a sort of running-in is also done in society, to see how much a certain topic takes hold, for example by introducing a new subject into schools. I still remember, for example, when in the mid-1980s “ecology” was introduced into primary school as an experimental subject which, although it may seem a commendable initiative, was probably preparatory for instilling in the minds of the little ones a gear that would induced as adults to believe it convenient to spend money in that sector. They can do it with product advertisements, or insights through television programs and broadcasts of all kinds, and even with cartoons. The ultimate goal, more often than not, is not difficult to guess, it is simply a matter of creating a new business.

There is a lot of talk about the recent advent of electric in the automotive sector. Just imagine how much it would cost to replace all the cars of an entire nation, if required by law, and what revenue it would bring to manufacturers in the sector. Or what revenues would enter the state coffers, in the event that the law was not respected, through fines and additional taxes, in order to continue to circulate. Let’s do the math, even if in a summary way: considering that in Italy there are over 39 million cars on the road, and wanting, for example, to force the owners of only 3/4 of the cars to replace them, perhaps because the others are still new and low pollutants, averaging the current cost of electric cars, arriving at around 25.000 euros, just multiply 25×30 and the result is 750 billion euros, which is about a quarter of the national GDP.
And already with just these few data we understand why it is so important to talk about green energy. We should then add all the proceeds from the real estate adjustments of houses that do not fall within a certain energy range, therefore the replacement of older boilers, appliances that consume too much and so on. The adjustment would then also concern public offices, hospitals, schools, institutional buildings, city lighting and so on. All in all, quite a business. Not to mention that in the name of ecology we would go to produce a mountain of waste, and it is not organic, probably as high as the Gran Sasso, which is not known how it should be disposed of and by whom.

And if it seems exaggerated to talk about business, I remind you that there is a confederation of Western states which, punctually, every 4-5 years, goes to war against another state, with the sole purpose of improving its national GDP. If you have understood who it is, we can therefore deduce how much this confederation, and more generally all the Western nations that are inspired by it, is interested in human life, and therefore how little it matters to adopt measures and policies favorable to the community. Never, if not precisely in this era, would the motto mors tua vita mea seem to apply.

Small daily actions are worth more than a thousand words shouted from the rooftops by any propaganda tool. Turning off the lights when not needed, using drinking water sparingly, buying products that respect the environment, buying from small local groups are just a few examples of practices which, if adopted by the majority, would bring about real change in society. The idea of a few decades ago, when a nuclear referendum was called in Italy, that there was not enough energy to maintain the living standards of the population, was most likely fraudulent. There has never been the idea of promoting an education aimed at saving from above, but rather bad examples to encourage people to do the opposite, because it was necessary to encourage this growing business. The attempt was made later with public water, that was transforming a public good into a resource in which to invest with private companies. In healthcare, it’s worse than ever, given the mess in which the public one is today. In 2018, some optimistic surveys still considered it one of the best in the world(1). Today I have strong doubts that this is still the case.

Green economy, green energy, clean energy, green business practices, how many times have we heard these words pronounced in recent years. They have now impressed into our brains the urgent need for change using their alternatives. Supported by important issues such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, desertification, environmental disasters, which they use for instrumental purposes, they have managed to inculcate precise currents of thought in the minds. We probably don’t realize that those who offer us the right solutions are the same ones who caused these disasters. In fact, with the big capital they manage, they decide how to move the economy of the countries, which companies to develop or fail and how the markets should move in the future. And as if by magic, fantastic alternatives emerge such as the electric car, modern boilers, superior class appliances and so on, in short, new products to buy to continue to feed their economic system held up by continuous consumerism.

Who to use as a propaganda tool if not an angry little girl about how her future and that of her peers would look under the circumstances? It is evident that Thumberg did not come out of nowhere and has made inroads in all the media for her excellent communicative qualities. Rather, she comes from a family of artists, an actor father and a mezzo-soprano mother. Being very young, when she made her first media appearances with worldwide visibility, it is natural to think that she does not have total freedom of speech, but rather memorizes a propaganda statements written by the authority that she put there to pass clear messages. Authotity often makes use of actors to carry forward currents of thought because they are the ones who best interpret the character foreseen by the role. To give an example, for some particular roles, there are “crisis actors”, who are hired when it comes to staging a public tragedy with the right emphasis. There is an agency that recruits them on whose website we read the motto: “Award-winning filmmakers, virtual reality producers and real actors specially trained in disaster and crisis management.”(1)

Furthermore, for those who are not aware of it, famous people or with a certain notoriety, reach their success thanks to consolidated pacts with Masonic lodges. In Italy we remember the P2 lodge, from which derive most of the well-known personalities of the world of entertainment, politics and in general of all those sectors that have an important role in society. If you want to get an idea of what compromises these characters have to accept, let’s look at the world of Hollywood, for example. Just do some research to understand how controlled and constrained them. From all this it is evident that the media attention is not given to just Joe Public, however correct his ideas may be, but is reserved only for selected characters, belonging to a small circle, with whom an agreement is stipulated, and to to whom a fee is paid only after having carried out the instructions given to them.

Some research has led to the discovery, since the recent past, of some remains that testify to the presence of a millenary civilization much more developed than ours, called Tartary(3). Some theories state that around the middle of the 19th century there would have been structures belonging to this civilization, capable of encapsulating the energy present in the ether and channeling it, to then be able to use it in human contexts. History also tells us that even the scientist Nikola Tesla, about a century ago, thanks to a tower built by him, managed to store this energy and turn on light bulbs miles away(4). However fanciful these theories may seem, I would not be surprised, if there were some truth, that this possibility, following the fall of this civilization, had been hidden from humanity, to be replaced by a limited, expensive and polluting energy, in order to continue the current economic system. This, in addition to making energy a scarce resource and humanity dependent on it, would allow lobbies to arbitrarily decide its prices.

As already mentioned, if there is a new issue pushed into vogue by the media system, we always doubt its authenticity. Rather let’s ask ourselves why it was chosen to highlight precisely that one and try to understand its true purpose. Let us not delude ourselves that everything is done for our good, especially when big power groups and lobbies are involved. The Italian political class of the last 30 years has amply demonstrated this to us. The only ones who can want the best for us are ourselves. So what we can do is willingly decide how we can act and start doing it, to rebuild our society the way we want it. No more delegating and above all without depending on others. Only in this way will we get the best for ourselves and for others. Starting in our own small way, for a greater purpose which is the collective good.


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