Gender fluid, another distraction for the masses?

Gender fluid, another distraction for the masses?

Gender fluid couple of guys
Gender fluid couple

Not a year goes by now in which we are not shaken by a new current of thought propounded by all the mass media and which once again leaves us baffled, placing us in the position of asking ourselves if we have aged because we have too conservative ideas or if we are at the mercy of yet another madness of a world now adrift. In fact, if we thought we had gone beyond every limit of human decency that should characterize the so-called civil society, a new fashion that takes a further step in the social degradation in which we have been immersed for some years now comes to make us think again. As much as disgust distances us from certain issues, we find ourselves seeing them bounced around in the various information channels, supported by psychology experts, re-proposed by famous people, to the point of finding them even in road billboard advertisements(1). Although we don’t care to delve into a topic like gender fluid, it is forced into our thoughts, and we find ourselves forced to deal with it, perhaps because colleagues talk about it, or friends or family, or even strangers in line at the accountant . Precisely because the topic in question is controversial and arouses a certain degree of disgust in the majority who still believe in traditional values such as the family, it seems to me that this is yet another topic of social distraction, to keep minds away from much more important problems and which on the contrary, they would require a certain urgency to be addressed. Just to name a few, the uncontrolled increases in the prices of raw materials as well as all the increases in domestic utilities, the general impoverishment of the population with the consequent disappearance of the middle class, a galloping inflation that has made our salaries inadequate, the economic crisis which has led to a disproportionate increase in interest rates, the increase in taxes despite the fact that ours has long been considered the most taxed country in Europe, the question of the scarcity of funds to support workers’ pensions, etc.; all things that significantly affect people’s quality of life.

Nature has precise laws on which the delicate balance that regulates life on our planet is based. If these laws are disregarded, sooner or later those who do not respect them are eliminated. We know that our lungs are made to absorb oxygen from the air we breathe, to convey it through the blood to all the organs and cells of the body, but if despite this, for our own momentary pleasure we prefer to introduce cigarette smoke into our lungs, and we continue to do so even when symptoms invite us to stop, it is probable that at some point our body will no longer be able to manage the foreign and polluting substances that we introduce with the cigarette, and will fall ill until it leads us to death. If then there are universal balances why on earth should we subvert them and for what purpose? We might think that gender changes do not lead to the death of the individual but, in the long run, if they ever become a social custom, they would surely lead to the death of the species. It is quite probable that if a subject has different tastes from the majority, he has no interest in going around telling it claiming to be legitimized but rather goes his own way without annoying those who think differently, so as not to be annoyed in turn. It is quite evident that this gender theme was conceived and pushed by the elite within Western society, where values are already in a severe crisis, to deconstruct its skeleton. An elite that doesn’t give a damn about the tastes of individuals in terms of relationships with the opposite sex and that has been aiming for the disintegration of the traditional family for some time. Otherwise, what would be the point of pushing such a controversial topic to make it accepted by the community as the new normal? We could believe that they do it for greater social inclusion and to protect those small minorities often not taken into consideration in the legislative sphere, as they tell us, but who is naive enough to really believe it?

In reality, as already mentioned, in the past there was already a strong will to fight those values that have characterized Western society in the past centuries. In recent years, for example, attempts have been made to overcome the canonical genders of masculine and feminine to add further ones that are not well defined. In public school, for example, there has been a debate on whether it was more correct to define the parents of a child, in the various paper forms, with the names of parent 1 and parent 2 rather than with the old names of father and mother, in order not to offend those minorities of households characterized by 2 parents of the same sex. In recent years, in fact, even those made up of people of the same sex have been recognized as households and other genders have entered into common use, in addition to male and female, defined by the acronym LGBT (which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender), later updated with the acronym LGBTQIA+, with the arrival of the genders or “non-genres” of Queer, intersex, agender, and + which stands for other unclassifiable genders, such as neutral. It is not a question here of wanting to be intolerant, racist or critical regardless, but simply trying to understand what real need there is to insert an ambiguous genre into society that ultimately does not bring any added value to it. Rather, there is the risk of accepting as normal a model that could be harmful for children and adolescents who are still growing, who would find themselves surrounded by bad examples in society and, even if healthy and physically with a well-defined sex, could create confusion in their minds if they lack a strong sense of identity.

While it might seem like a far-fetched hypothesis to some, I’m pretty sure it’s about pursuing the “divide and conquer” policy so dear to the elite who have always controlled us who then pass the ball to our politicians, the mass media and the experts on duty, to instill in us the idea that it is a topic felt by everyone and that it must be treated with the utmost urgency. The aim is to want to create as much division as possible in today’s society, so that neither it, nor any too large group of it, can ever make a decision by mutual agreement or claim to be granted rights. A society broken up into many small groups that are constantly fighting each other will never recognize itself in a single identity, and would hardly go against the system or against the elite that maintains the current state of affairs. Just to have a vague idea of how many divisions we have within our society, we can try to take an overview and observe it from above, to notice the innumerable small groups, factions, parties, movements that compose it. There are those who believe in a religion and fight all the others as unbelievers, pointing them out as pagans and trying to defend their beliefs. There are those who argue that a given political class is better than the other and this causes continuous discussions. There are those who support a certain trade union rather than another, and try to direct others into the right battles to carry on. There are those who support a football team and discuss whole afternoons with friends to affirm that that goal was not due. There are those who blindly believe in official science and fight all alternative theories that would undermine its foundations. There are those who believe in UFOs and think that our lives are conditioned by them. Etc. etc. etc. etc. Then there are many even more specific sub-groups, for example there are those who believe that this genre of music is better than the other because it has more genuine roots and so on, in practice the fences are infinite, until they coincide with the final enclosure of the ego, that is what we believe we are. In fact, if we ask any person to introduce himself, he will most likely tell us about his profession or what he represents for society, and not about that immortal essence that is here only to gain experience. All of these are nothing but thought forms within which our ideas and actions are enclosed. All this does not allow us to have an objective external vision of how things are going and relegates us to a limited field of action, which does not go beyond those particular interests. Somehow all these egregores keep our energy entangled in useless battles and ends in themselves, while those who govern continue to do so undisturbed, and can thus apply increasingly restrictive rules without any hint of dissent on our part, distracted from our daily quarrels . We can see some examples of this in the Asian continent, where they have even implemented a points system of social control and which our rulers aspire to achieve in the near future.

But gender fluid has finally arrived, that is the possibility of giving a teenager the ability to be able to choose, in a fluid way like water, which gender to belong to during his growth. Yes, because the faculty of choosing is given to human beings who are not yet fully formed in body and in thought, and therefore very susceptible to influence (and certainly influenced) by external events or by the fashions of the moment. This, in addition to allowing the boy to choose which gender to belong to, allows him to rethink it and, perhaps after a week, to change it again, and even not to choose one, because this too is now outdated, and to be able to take advantage of one day , one day of the opposite sex, depending on the whim of the moment, as even identifying with a gender becomes a form of constraint(2). All this with the approval of the Italian public television which has seen fit to include characters such as Rosa Chemical (italian band) in prime time in the famous Sanremo singing show to convey the message that times have changed and that we must adapt to them.

The famous characters could not be missing, in reality they have always been used as a springboard for their perversions. Yes, because, unfortunately you hadn’t noticed, these currents of thought always come from above and never from below. The opposite rarely happens, because this too is possible considering the enormous media power they exercise over the masses. While much modern music horrifies me, it’s not easy not to notice the many artists who perform in the most renowned shows, in a state that perhaps a few decades ago would have been grounds for capture and forced confinement in a mental health center. In the past how could appearances, for example by Renato Zero (italian singer) in decidedly extravagant attire, be considered provocations, today we are so addicted that we are surprised if we see on the contrary a guy who sings in a suit and tie, as for example Simone Cristicchi (italian singer) appeared dressed a few years ago in Sanremo, such as to be unusual and at the same time original. Today, as already mentioned, the show does not spare us from seeing ambiguous characters in prime time, wearing men’s and women’s clothing at the same time, to invite us to accept as normal the umpteenth antics of a media system at the end of its tether.

As we were taught in school from childhood we know that man is a “social animal”. He has always lived in groups, tribes, villages, until he found himself in ever larger contexts, such as those of a city or a metropolis today. But there are also much larger realities such as nations that bring together an entire people who speak the same language, live in the same nation and share the same culture. However, the fundamental unit of this aggregation remains the family nucleus which we could see as the atom compared to matter. This is because if there isn’t a strong union at the base there can’t be a wider union of people that leads to the identification of a people or a race. If there is no sense of belonging to a family, whose values by extension are shared by a vast community, it is difficult to identify with a people, with its culture, with its values. I have the clear feeling that in recent years there has been an attempt to undermine society to its foundations, hitting its very core, and thus trying to break up the family, to create independent individuals, who thus have no interest in being part of a community. This has been happening for decades now, ever since the idea of being able to live with people of the same sex and being able to express one’s sexuality in public in a completely uninhibited way has been publicly touted, encouraging demonstrations such as gay pride, passing off as old-fashioned and bigoted the traditional family or those who do not share their libertarian ideas.

As if that weren’t enough, in the footsteps of the Freemason Richard Nikolaus of Coudenhove Kalergi, the influx beyond the Mediterranean coasts of several races is pushed and financed (it would be the subject of further study) at a European level, with the continuous migration of African peoples, with the The sole purpose of producing a mestizo breed, devoid of reference values, with no link with the territory to which it belongs, to make the population more malleable and conditionable, which will no longer have a reference culture, nor its own territory to defend. Something that has already partially happened in some European countries, we can take the French national football team as an example, where already in 2018 more than half of the players were of African race, even if all were born on French soil.

France national football team of 2018
France national football team of 2018

Inevitable ethnic substitution considering the few births in our country and the continuous influx of immigrants from poorer countries, and not only from Africa(3). Considering then that births in our country have been at their lowest for at least 20 years, and that on the contrary poor populations are the most prolific in terms of children, we could expect a considerable ethnic turnover in the next century, with consequent loss of culture and roots of the original community, replaced by a new community without any cultural link with the territory. One of the populations, the Italian one, we recall, is the oldest in Europe in terms of age(4). As we can see from the following graph, taken from the Istat website(5), there has already been a drastic drop in births in the last 15 years alone, contrasted only by the continuous influx of immigrants.

Kids born in Italy from 2008 to 2021
Kids born in Italy from 2008 to 2021


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