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Author: R.I.

Why do social media make us lazy and influence us?

Why do social media make us lazy and influence us?

Nowadays it is unthinkable not to be part of some form of virtual social aggregation such as social media, considering that most mobile devices allow us to use them.From social networks like Facebook or Instagram, to tools for enjoying videos like YouTube or TikTok, we often risk spending too much time on these platforms without realizing it.Even just by opening our Facebook page, driven by curiosity to see what’s new, we could go from one news story to another and…

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Artificial Intelligence in search engines and its dubious usefulness

Artificial Intelligence in search engines and its dubious usefulness

Although I don’t follow much of the topics in vogue in the mainstream, nor in general the most discussed and popular news stories, for a few days I have noticed an online user who suspects, after having carried out several searches, that Filippo Turetta, Giulia Cecchettin’s murderer , does not actually exist but is probably a character artfully created with the help of an AI. The suspicions arise from the fact that it is difficult to find images of the…

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Veganism is not a religion

Veganism is not a religion

A few days ago I read an article that left me perplexed, asking me how a person can sacrifice the health of their children in order to remain faithful to their ideals.The article is as follows(1): This is an Australian woman who, in order not to have to kill small animals such as lice, prefers to let her daughter be infested with them, with the risk of infecting her little friends too.This woman probably doesn’t realize that she has ended…

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Why global warming is a hoax

Why global warming is a hoax

In the 80s, when I was still a child and attended primary school, I remember that some issues were already being discussed at school, such as global warming.The main cause of these effects was traced back to the ozone hole which allowed the sun’s ultraviolet rays to pass through, causing the phenomenon. The ozone hole was officially attributed to the consumerism of society which, by using certain cosmetic products, had contributed to creating it. I still remember that the ecology…

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Gender fluid, another distraction for the masses?

Gender fluid, another distraction for the masses?

Not a year goes by now in which we are not shaken by a new current of thought propounded by all the mass media and which once again leaves us baffled, placing us in the position of asking ourselves if we have aged because we have too conservative ideas or if we are at the mercy of yet another madness of a world now adrift. In fact, if we thought we had gone beyond every limit of human decency that…

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Practices for healt

Practices for healt

During the course of our lives, an unpleasant event can happen, perhaps a health problem, which shakes us from the boring everyday routine that keeps us chained within a pattern of repetitive and alienating habits. It therefore happens that suddenly all our plans skip, the well-organized scheme of our life that we arranged, and so the goals we hoped to achieve. Because of this unexpected event, or thanks to it, we are forced to question everything. Although we tend to…

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How much is our time worth?

How much is our time worth?

The convention has accustomed us to a normality according to which it is “normal” to spend 8 hours a day closed in an office or in a factory, to which, adding the commute from home to work, we can easily spend 10 hours of our time, to do some activities that if we had the choice we probably wouldn’t do.This, at best, 5 days a week, more than 20 days a month, to get a wage on which, considering taxes,…

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Is green energy a fairy tale?

Is green energy a fairy tale?

We are all probably fascinated or have been fascinated by these two words, probably because they refer us to something ecological, healthy and therefore positive. The questions we should ask ourselves instead, when a new issue arises that is spread and trumpeted on all the main communication channels, is: who raised this issue? What is the main purpose? What’s behind it? We know very well that we live in a capitalist society, where a nothing happens at the media level…

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Is white sugar a poison?

Is white sugar a poison?

I have eliminated white sugar from my diet for about two months now. The main reason that prompted me to do it was a rather advanced and quite painful caries, which led me to the death of a molar and the rescue in extemis of another. This is because in the last year, trapped in routine and daily stress, I have abused it, to fill that emotional void due to both the absence of physical activity and the lack of…

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