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Tag: healty lifestyle

Veganism is not a religion

Veganism is not a religion

A few days ago I read an article that left me perplexed, asking me how a person can sacrifice the health of their children in order to remain faithful to their ideals.The article is as follows(1): This is an Australian woman who, in order not to have to kill small animals such as lice, prefers to let her daughter be infested with them, with the risk of infecting her little friends too.This woman probably doesn’t realize that she has ended…

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Practices for healt

Practices for healt

During the course of our lives, an unpleasant event can happen, perhaps a health problem, which shakes us from the boring everyday routine that keeps us chained within a pattern of repetitive and alienating habits. It therefore happens that suddenly all our plans skip, the well-organized scheme of our life that we arranged, and so the goals we hoped to achieve. Because of this unexpected event, or thanks to it, we are forced to question everything. Although we tend to…

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